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Patna : VenturePark Incubator,  a business Incubation centre of Bihar Industries Association (BIA), conducted a session on May 24, 2017, at J .D Women’s College, Patna, on  ‘Entrepreneurship, Startups and Incubation’. Around 70 students from MCA and MBA background participated in the session.

The session was divided into four parts : Entrepreneurship, Startups Eco-system in Bihar, Incubation support to Startups and role of VenturePark and Success story of Bihar based Startups. The speakers of the session were : Sanjay Goenka, Member Secretary, Governing Council of VenturePark, and Naresh Nandan, Executive Member of BIA Incubation centre. The students were given chance to ask questions related to entrepreneurship and startups.

Sanjay Goenka gave a detail account on  Entrepreneurship as a career option, how he started his entrepreneurial journey and tackled challenges. He  motivated students to be self – dependent and be  a job giver rather than a job seeker. Naresh Nandan elucidated the current scenario of Startups in India and Bihar, initiatives of Indian Startups and role of VenturePark Incubation centre for any startups to scale up, according BIA Secretary Anil Kumar Sinha.

Shazia Quaiser, Founder, Revival Shoe Laundry, also shared  her success story and explained how she started working on her business idea and shared her problems and experiences with the students. Apart from BIA Members, Principal of JD Women’s college Nandini Mehta, HOD of MBA & MCA Departments and other faculty members were also present.

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