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Patna  : VenturePark Incubation Centre of Bihar Industries Association (BIA) on June 10, 2017, conducted its 9th Saturday Session on the GST for Startups of Bihar. Around  50 startups from Bihar attended the much awaited session on GST. The session was addressed by Mahabir Prasad Bidasaria, a member of BIA.

According to Bidasaria, the GST will bring a big economic reform in the country. Companies with more than Rs 20 lakh turnover have to register themselves under GST. He said the GST will surely reduce the burden as all the activities related to GST would be done online. Bidasaria concluded the session saying the GST will also create new job opportunity in the country. BIA president Ram Lall Khetan and Vijay Goenka, Executive Member of VenturePark, were also present. on the occasion.

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