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Ara: Two boys drowned to death in different rivers while bathing at two different places in Bhojpur district on Friday. Kush Kumar,10,  son of Rabindra Singh of Ward no 14, Bihia, in Bhojpur district drowned in river Tripura under Bihia police station on Friday morning on Friday. Latger, the villagers fished out the body. Kush had gone to river Tripura along with his friend to take bath but slept and drowned.

In another incident, Surendra Sah, 14, son of Vishnu Sah, drowned in a local river at Kayamnagar under Koelwar police station on Friday morning on Friday when he had gone to the river to have a bath. Later the police with the help of locals fished out the body to the Ara Sadar Hospital for postmortem. The Koelwar CO gave a cheque of Rs. 20,000 to the father of the deceased.

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