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New Delhi : Union Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Minister Narendra Singh Tomar met Ms Julia Klockner, German Minister for Food & Agriculture, in New Delhi on November 1, 2019y. The Ministers signed a Joint Declaration of Intent between India and Germany on cooperation in agriculture market development.

During the meeting, Tomar said that India’s priority has shifted from production centric to farmer centric and the goal of doubling farmers’ income by 2022 by improving productivity, lowering input cost, creating competitive markets and strengthening the value chain for agriculture and allied sectors. He also mentioned that the Agriculture Export Policy 2018 targets doubling of agriculture exports to $60 million by 2022.

Ms Julia Klockner said that Germany has expertise in Mechanisation and Post Harvest Management and added that she thinks this shall play a major role in achieving doubling farmers’ income. The German Minister also stressed on continuing the discussions of Working Group started in 2008 on the issues like Food Safety, Consumer protection and hoped that topics discussed are implemented.

Both the Ministers affirmed that Agriculture is a priority for both Germany and India for fulfillment of ‘Sustainable Development Goal 2- End Hunger and Doubling Agricultural Productivity’, which is especially important since it will also impact the achievement of the other 16 SDGs. They also discussed the areas of cooperation like Mechanisation, Post Harvest Management, Supply chain, market access and Export issues.

Stressing on the importance and priority given to food safety and consumer protection, the two Ministers discussed further cooperation in the field such as support in setting up labs, conducting food testing workshops etc. India also placed a list of agricultural products being imported by Germany from other countries, which could be imported from India, according to a PIB release.

Both Ministers also expressed happiness on signing of MoU between National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE) and the German Agriculture Academy – DEULA-Nienburg, on October 30, 2019, for technical and professional training of employees in the agricultural sector.

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