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Patna: Hundreds of toddy tappers on Sunday participated in a day-long dharna at Gardanibagh Athletics Club grounds here demanding lifting  ban on toddy business. They also burnt effigies of two  ministers and five MLAs of Grand Alliance who belong to their community .They alleged these leaders did not support their demand.
The association of toddy tapeprs, Tadi Vyavasayei Mahasangh, leader Narendra Kumar Chaudhury claimed 20 lakh people were dependent on toddy business and with the ban on toddy since April 5, their families have become unemployed and thousands have migrated outside Bihar and many were on the verge of starvation.

Chaudhury said toddy was their traditional family business which has been closed without providing them an alternative. He alleged Bihar CM Nitish Kumar himself consumes Khain (Tobbaco) hence has no moral right to impose ban on intoxicants.

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