Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara : State Election Commissioner, State Election Commission (SEC), Ashok Kumar Chauhan, in a communication to DM, Bhojpur, on March 2, 2020, informed him about the cancellation of membership of former Mayor and Councillor, Ward No 44, Ara Municipal Corporation (AMC), Priyam Devi, allegedly for concealing facts in her nomination form filed for election to the post of Councillor from the Ward.. After cancelation of her AMC membership, a fresh election to the post will be held very soon.

The SEC also passed adverse comments against SDO, Ara, Municipal Commissioner, AMC, and two employees of the AMC in this connection. The State Election Commissioner has also directed the Bhojpur DM to initiate steps to hold election to the post of  Councillor, Ward No 44, AMC, immediately. Priyam Devi had defeated Shyama Devi in the municipal election in 2017.

Abhay Kumar Pandey of Barhara block had reportedly sought information under the Right to Information Act (RTI) from the AMC regarding election of Priyam Devi and details of nomination filed by her and also about no-objection certificate (NOC). After getting reply under the RRI, he filed a complaint to the SEC against former Mayor, AMC, Priyam Devi, in 2018, alleging that she had concealed facts while filing her nomination. He alleged that the former Mayor had concealed information regarding her landed property and dues of municipal tax and also did not get NOC from the AMC before filing her nomination form.

After the matter came to the knowledge of the SEC, the State Election Commissioner directed the Bhojpur DM to inquire into the matter and submit his report to the SEC.  Bhojpur DM sent inquiry report to the SEC signed jointly by Ara SDO and Municipal Commissioner, AMC. After hearing both the parties, the SEC cancelled AMC membership of Priyam Devi under Section 18(1)(T), Bihar Municipal Act 2007

The SEC said that the Bhojpur DM had been directed to submit inquiry report with his comment but he only forwarded the inquiry report signed jointly by the Ara SDO and  Municipal Commissioner, AMC. It was said that Priyam Devi was addressed as Mayor in the report though she was not Mayor at the time of inquiry and submission of report.

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