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Patna : Schools ( Classes IX onward) and Coaching institutes will re-open in Bihar from January 4, 2021, after nine months. A decision to this effect was taken on December 18, 2020,by the Crisis Management Group in consultation with the State Education Department. The schools and coaching institutes will have to comply with with Covid-19 safety protocol including sanitising their premises.

Principal Secretary, Education Department, Sanjay Kumar, said that the Crisis Management Group has decided to open schools for Class IX onward from January 4, 2021, following Covid-19 safety guidelines. The same will be applicable for Coaching institutions. A detailed guideline relating to the re-opening of schools will be issued soon, he said. The students of the government will be given two face masks masks free of cost.

The Government will hold a review meeting 15 days  after the schools are re-opened. If things go well, junior classes will re-open later in phased manner, Kumar added.