Shashank S

Dhanbad ( Jharkhand) : After report of three  Jharkhand labourers  returning from Punjab with their hard earned money being ‘drugged and looted’  on Dhanbad railway route on Grand chord section in last 24 hours, Railway Protection Force (RPF) have pressed alarm button to ensure security to passengers  especially those in general coaches.

With new Vinod Kumar taking over new RPF commandant from A N Jha, he has directed his men  to go all out  to bust the gang  involved in robbing the passengers after drugging them. In view of the  marriage season, which started in third  week of April and continue till  first week of July, and the start  of summer holidays in schools of Mumbai and Gujarat (followed by other states in coming days), there is heavy rush  of passengers  in almost all the trains  passing through  Dhanbad railway  division.

Dhanbad Railway Protection Force  (RPF) has initiated  several foolproof  measures to provide security to passengers  which includes round the clock patrolling, videography of general compartment and  cultivating of intelligence network on major railway stations.

Apart from arresting three criminals for drugging and robbing passengers of their belongings from Dhanbad  railway station on May 5, 2017, night, along with drug laced biscuits  and sleeping tablets, RPF men can be seen with walkie talkie in their hands addressing  passengers especially those seated in general compartments asking them not to take any eatables from unknown persons despite their repeated pleas including ‘Prasad’ of religious places.

“Cops have been directed to keep a close watch on criminals who in garb of passengers cultivate  contacts with passengers and loot their belongings  or escape with their belongings when they are  sleeping,” informed Dhanbad  RPF commandant.

That apart, the RPF personnel are even going for regular videography  and photography of passengers and at times even sniffer dogs are pressed into service  just to tell them  that RPF men were there for their security. Dhanbad RPF) commandant has directed his juniors    to remain alert to nab anti-social elements  for which he has cultivated  intelligence network on  station premises in form of coolies, stall vendors, auto and taxi drivers.

“The coolies, taxi drivers  who park their vehicles on station  premise, and food stall owners on different station give us information about suspicious looking persons wandering on railway platforms without luggage or sleeping on benches posing like bonafide passengers and escape with luggage of passengers once they sleep,” stated  RPF inspector B N Mishra.

The new RPF Commandant  stated  that  he and his men  keep close watch especially on those trains heading  or coming from Howrah,  Rajasthan, Gujrat, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Mumbai, Chennai  and New Delhi on which business community members and shop -keepers travel carrying cash and precious items.



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