Speed Post News Network

New Delhi : At its 25th Meeting held on January 18, 2018, the GST Council had made several important recommendations for the Housing Sector which have come into force with effect from  January 25, 2018. The recommendations are expected to promote affordable housing for the masses in the country.

One of the important recommendations made is to extend the concessional rate of GST of 12% (effective rate of  8% after deducting one third of the amount charged for the house, flat etc. towards the cost of land or undivided share of land, as the case may be) in housing sector to construction of houses constructed/ acquired under the Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS) for Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) / Lower Income Group (LIG) / Middle Income Group1 (MlG1) / Middle Income Group2 (MlG2) under the Housing for All (Urban) Mission/Pradhan Mantri AwasYojana (Urban), according to a PIB release.

Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS) is one of the components of Housing for All (Urban) Mission/Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) (Urban). Under this component, subsidy would be provided on home loans taken by eligible urban poor (EWS/LIG/ MIGI/ MIGII) for acquisition and construction of house The maximum annual income for eligibility of beneficiaries under the scheme can be up to Rs 18 lakh, according to a PIB release.

So far, houses acquired under CLSS attracted effective GST rate of 18% (effective GST rate of 12% after deducting value of land). The concessional rate of 12% was applicable only on houses constructed under the other three components of the Housing for All (Urban) Mission/Pradhan Mantri AwasYojana (Urban), namely (i) lnsitu redevelopment of existing slums using land as a resource component; (ii) Affordable Housing in partnership and (iii) Beneficiary led individual house construction/enhancement. The exemption has now been recommended for houses acquired under the CLSS component also. Therefore, the buyers would be entitled to interest subsidy under the Scheme as well to a lower concessional rate of GST of 8% (effective rate after deducting value of land).

The GST Council has also recommended that the benefit of concessional rate of GST of 12% (effective GST rate of 8% after deducting value of land) applicable to houses supplied to existing slum dwellers under the insitu redevelopment of existing slums using land as a resource component of PMAY may be extended to houses purchased by persons other than existing slum dwellers also.

The third recommendation of the Council is to include houses constructed for ‘Economically Weaker Section (EWS)’ under the Affordable Housing in partnership (PMAY) under the concessional rate of GST of 8% (effective rate after deducting value of land). This will support construction of houses up to 30 sqm carpet area.

The Fourth Recommendation of the Council is to extend the concessional rate of 12% to services by way of construction of low cost houses up to a carpet area of 60 sqm in a housing project which has been given infrastructure status.


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