Speed Post News NEtwork
New Delhi : The Covid challenges notwithstanding, Freight figures continue to maintain the high momentum in terms of earnings and loading in May 2021 for Indian Railways. On mission mode, Indian Railways’ Freight made highest ever loading for the month of May. In May 2021, it is 114.8 MT which is 9.7% more than May 2019 (104.6 MT) for the same period.
The important items transported during May 2021 includes 54.52 million tonnes of Coal, 15.12 million tonnes of Iron Ore, 5.61 million tonnes of Foodgrains, 3.68 million tonnes of Fertilisers, 3.18 million tonnes of Mineral Oil, 5.36 million tonnes of Cement (excluding clinker), and 4.2 million tonnes of Clinker. In May 2021, Indian Railways earned Rs. 11,604.94 crores from freight loading.
Wagon Turnaround time has seen an improvement of 26% May 2021. In May, 2021, wagon turnaround time is registered at 4.81 days as compared to 6.46 in May 2019. It may be mentioned here that a number of concessions/ discounts are also being given in Indian Railways to make Railways Freight movement very attractive., according to a PIB releazse
The speed of freight trains has been enhanced in the existing network. Freight speed improvement leads to saving of costs for all stakeholders. Freight speed has doubled over last 18 months. Few zones (around four zones) have registered average speed of freight trains even above 50 Kmph. Due to geographical conditions, certain sections offer good speed to freight trains. An average speed of 45.6 Kmph was registered in May 2021 for freight trains.