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New Delhi : Shyam Sundar Besra, Chief Inspector of Ticket working in Asansol Division of Eastern Railway, has been conferred the coveted Sahitya Akademi Award. He has been awarded for his novel “Marom” in Santhali language which is primarily based on natural, social, economic and political conditions of Santhal Pargana.

The novel highlights the situation emerged after the two main industrial development of the Santhal area after Independence i.e Masanjore Dam at Dumka and Railway locomotive workshop at Chittaranjan.

Two of his creative literature ‘Dullar Khatir’ & ‘Damin Riya (udas) Kahani Ko’ are part of syllabus for Post Graduation in Sidhu Kanhu University. Besra writes in name of G B Rarek in Santhali language and in the name of Santhal Praganvi in Hindi language. Shyam Besra completed his MA (Hindi Litt.) & MA in Santhali in 1987. He has been conferred many awards at the state level & also Dr Ambedkar Fellowship by Bhartiya Dalit Sahitya Academy in 1992.

Shyam Sundar Besra was felicitated for the rare honour by DRM Asansol. Indian Railways has congratulated Besra and wished him lots of success in future endeavours, according to a PIB release.

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