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Bokaro :Sseveral trees and plants in Bokaro and Chas got uprooted due to heavy rainfall since Wednesday  late evening followed by  storm damaging electrical poles and electrical wires  leading to power crisis in  Bokaro steel city and Chas for more than 18 hours.

Several trees  and plants along with electrical poles and wires were uprooted  in sector IV, sector IX, sector VI, sector III, sector I and also all along National Highway 23  main road  in a stretch of more than  15 km right from Jaina Mor to Telmachho  bridge under Chas sub-division up toDhanbad border. Bokaro steel plant sources said Bokaro steel city has witnessed 28 mm rainfall.

As big trees and their branches fell on electrical wires passing through these two township at several places, power department staff  took several hours  to rectify the faults. Posh Cooperative colony of Bokaro steel city also experienced  power crisis  till noon on August 19.

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