Satish Aditya
Muzaffarpur  : Police recovered  body of  a seven year old boy Aditya Kumar Rai from a pond  on February 26, 2021. A native of village Mirapur under Sakara police station (PS) in Muzaffarpur District in North Bihar, Aditya was missing since February 23, 2021. The body was found floating in a pond located near village Boariya under Sakara police station.

Sakara police have  arrested  two  boys in this connection and they are being quizzed. Both the  arrested boys are native of village  Sadiqpur under Sakara PS  and Aditya  Kumar Rai was seen  going on a cycle  with them to see a village fair.  According to report, Aditya   was wearing a silver locket in his neck and  and his friends snatched his locket and pushed him into a pond resulting his death.