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New Delhi : Prime Minister Narendra Modi on March 22, 2020, lauded singers Malini Awasthi and Pritam Bhartwan for coronavirus-themed songs.

PM shared the songs on twitter and wrote “जनता कर्फ्यू को लेकर हर कोई अपनी-अपनी तरह से योगदान देने में जुटा है। लोक गायिका @maliniawasthi जी अपने अंदाज में लोगों को प्रेरित कर रही हैं… #JantaCurfew”, “जनता कर्फ्यू को लेकर लोक गायक प्रीतम भरतवाण जी ने एक अनोखा और बेहद सुरीला संदेश दिया है… #JantaCurfew”.

The Prime Minister praised the media fraternity for not only disseminating proper information but also taking proper precautions. He also commended the media for spreading the message of hope and positivity. He praised eminent personalities for spreading his ‘janata curfew’ message. In a series of tweets he said, “Eminent personalities are encouraging a Stay At Home Sunday to fight Coronavirus. And, people’s support is emphatic.”

The Prime Minister urged people to be a part of the ‘Janta Curfew’ on March 22 and said that it will add tremendous strength to the fight against COVID-19 menace. Stressing the importance of ensuring Social Distancing during this time, the PM asked the people to spend quality family time, watching television and on some good food. He said each one of us are a valued soldier in this battle against COVID-19 and being alert and cautious can help lakhs of other lives. He also said the streets are empty but the resolve to fight COVID-19 is full, according to a PIB release.

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