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Munger: All the Pandas of Maa Chandika Athan on the north flank of river Ganga proceeded on strike on Saturday to protest Munger district administration initiative to remove fake priests from the temple. The administration had ordered that only  approved pandas, who are qualified to chant mantras and verses of  Devi Bhagwat, be allowed to perform rituals.

The administration at a meeting of the temple trust had unanimously decided to issue I-cards to those found perfect after test. A sub-committee headed by the ADM, Munger, Ishwar Chandra Sharma, was constituted on Friday for the purpose. As the message came to their knowledge, the pandas decided to defy the order of the administration. K K Upadhyaya, regional deputy director, Information and public relations department, Munger, said that the decision were taken to maintain the sanctity of the temple and keep the devotees away from fake pandas who do not know even the actual mantras but claim to be  priest.

Bihar governor had expressed his unhappines when he visited the temple during his three – day tour to Munger Yoga school with his wife recently. The governor had instructed the district administration to improve the arrangements  of the temple and provide better amenities to the devotees.


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