Kumar Rajiv Nayan
Ara : Bhojpur district administration has so far sent only 208 drunkards to the de-addiction centre located on Ara Sadar hospital campus even as it has identified 5,134 drunkards including 50 women in the district after enforcement of complete prohibition in Bihar on April 5, 2016.
A de-addiction centre was opened on the campus of Ara Sadar Hospital at a cost of Rs 20 lakh. A medical team was formed comprising two doctors: Praveen Kumar Sinha and Sudhir Kumar, three nurses, three ward attendants and two councillors to man the centre but later on all of them except for a doctor were removed. The de-addiction centre is equipped with an AC, CCTV, beds and TV for the comfort and entertainment of patients. But at present the de-addiction centre is closed though doctor’s chamber is opened. If a patient comes, the doctor sends him back after giving medicine and counselling him.
In February and March 2016, Bhojpur district administration had carried out a survey through Asha workers in all the 14 blocks of the district and identified 5,134 drunkards including 50 women.
Dr Praveen Kumar Sinha said that only 208 patients have so far been admitted to the de-addiction centre but not a single woman came there for treatment. He attributed lack of awareness, information about the de-addiction centre to poor turnout of patients there.
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