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New Delhi: The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has taken a serious view of the mishandling of a complaint by the Uttar Pradesh Police about a gang rape in Firozabad on November 5, 2013.

In a scathing observation about the functioning of the state police, the NHRC, on the basis of the material on record, found that at first, there was a delay in registration of an FIR in the matter and thereafter, the case, even as it was oscillating between Ferozabad and Mathura police, was not properly investigated. Instead, the UP Police authorities tried to malign the character of the victim. They neither arrested the accused nor interrogated them and closed the investigation in the case on the ground that the victim was a woman of questionable character, according to a NHRC  release.

Recording its extreme distress at such a mentality of UP Police Officers, which it held as discernible in this case, the NHRC has stressed that every woman irrespective of her bonafide/character has a legal protection against violation of her body.

In view of the seriousness of the allegations about the totally biased and partisan attitude displayed by Firozabad and Mathura district police, the Commission has directed its DIG (Investigation) to depute a team to record detailed statements of the complainant, the victim, her husband and her witnesses, about the allegations contained in the case FIR. The DIG (Investigation) shall also analyze the file of the case  and submit a detailed report within 4 weeks.


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