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New Delhi : National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has identified various stretches on pan India basis which will be constructed through Public Private Partnership on Built Operate Transfer (Toll) Mode. These stretches have been selected on the basis of consultation with the perspective bidders.

NHAI has already invited the proposal for Annual Pre-Qualification for construction of 4/6 lane of National Highways for these stretches. The process of Annual Pre-Qualification will not only streamline & ease the bid process of the individual project on BOT (Toll) Mode but also give an idea about the market response. Certain modifications have also been made in the existing Request For Annual Qualification (RFAQ) to make it more industry friendly, according to a PIB release.

The identified stretches cover about 950 km with a cost of about Rs.30,000 crore in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, and Madhya Pradesh.

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