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Delhi : Vice President (VP) of India M Venkaiah Naidu released a Commemorative Coin on Bharat Ratna Dr M S Subbulakshmi and inaugurated an exhibition “Kurai Onrum Illai-MS: Life in Music” on the occasion of her Birth Centenary Commemoration on September 19, 2017. Minister of State (Independent charge) for Culture Dr. Mahesh Sharma was the Guest of Honour.

Naidu, in his address on the occasion, said that Dr M S Subbulakshmi was a legendary and iconic figure who mesmerized everyone from Mahatma Gandhi to common man. India is a land of rich cultural heritage with music in diverse genres representing the truly myriad mosaic of plurality. He said that what defines India is this rich heritage of music and its unifying role in bringing people together cutting across religions, regions, castes and communities, according to a PIB release. He said that the roots of Indian music can be traced to Vedic literature, Sama Veda in particular and as such every note and cadence associated with our ancient music systems have to be preserved and propagated.

The Vice President said that Subbulakshmi’s music is immortal and everyone in this country was influenced and thrilled by her music. He said that music acquired a divine dimension when she lent her voice to various compositions. She was the first musician to be awarded Bharat Ratna, the country’s highest civilian honour and first Indian musician to have performed at the United Nations General Assembly, he added, according to the PIB release.

Dr Mahesh Sharma said that Bharat Ratna Dr M S Subbulakshmi performed in 50th anniversary celebration of the United Nations and it was a very moment for all Indians. Mahatma Gandhi Ji asked her to sing “Prabhu Tum Haro Jan Ki Pir” and she had sung it with full dedication. Dr. M.S. Subbulakshmi was not only a singer but was an encyclopaedia of singing, Sharma said.

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