Dr K K Kaushik

Muzaffarpur : Acute shortage of Ambulance at Sri Krishna Medical College and Hospital (SKMCH), Muzaffarpur, and Sadar Hospital, Muzaffarpur,  has been causing a lot of inconvenience to the people particularly poor as in the event of death of a patient his kin find it extremely difficult to carry the body home.

SKMCH, which around 2,000 patients visit daily, has only three ambulance, even as four to five patients die their almost everyday while around a dozen patients are referred to Patna and other places. Sadar hospital, Muzaffarpur, has only one ambulance.

Although Civil Surgeon (CS) Dr Lalita Singh claims that the lone ambulance available at Sadar hospital is always available to carry patients, the fact remains that recently kin of a female patient, who died at the hospital, had to carry the body home on their shoulders for want of an ambulance. Muzaffarpur DM Dharmendra Singh has ordered an inquiry into the matter besides seeking an explanation from CS Dr Lalita Singh in this connection. Muzaffarpur MP Ajay Nishad has expressed his concern over acute shortage of ambulance at SKMCH and Sadar hospital, Muzaffarpur.




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