Speed Post News Network

Munger: Sanjay Keshri, Convenor, Bhrashtachari Karya Birodhi Manch, Munger, on Monday complained to DM, Munger, that over one hundred persons had attacked his house at Beldar Toli mahalla near goomti No.2 on June 24 using abusive languages in his absence.

Keshri alleged that the mob comprised candidates who were selected for the post of Executive Assistants in Munger collectorate,but the DM had cancelled the examination results after a probe report proved use of unfair means at the examination. Keshri said that the matter should be inquired and the person who had instigated the mob to attack his house be identified. Keshri told Speed Post News Network said that he had sent a letter to the DM dated June 21 that unfair means were used on largescale at the examination and the DM had ordered a probe team into the allegation   which proved correct.

Meanwhile, candidates declared unsuccessful at the said exam have demanded of the district administration and the state government to set up a high level probe to inquire into the involvement of few officials in the scandal, sources said.


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