Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara : Hundreds of activists of the Communist Party of India (ML) led by its Tarari MLA Sudama Prasad staged a day long dharana in front of the office of Bhojpur District Magistrate on March 10 in protest against alleged framing of innocent persons in false cases for setting afire Barahara police station on March 5, 2017, after the death of a mason Chhena Tatwa in police custody on March 4. They were also demanding a compensation of Rs 10 lakh compensation and a government job to the kin of Chhena Tatwa. They also raised slogans against the district administration.

Addressing the gathering, Sudama Prasad said that a fact finding team of CPI (ML) comprising Raju Yadav, AOPWA district secretary Indu Devi, Lalan Yadav under his leadership visited Barhara on March 9 and found that Chhena Tatwa died in police custody due to police brutality and police were concocting stories to save their skin. He said after Barhara police station was set ablaze by some anti-social elements, police implicated innocent persons in the case besides beating them mercilessly. He added that the district administration ha failed to arrest even a single big liquor mafia so far.

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