Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara: Ara Sadar Hospital management will open a new medicine counter in the emergency ward soon for the benefit of the patients. Till date, the attendants of patients have to cover long distance for medicines. This medicine counter will also benefit the patients of the maternity ward adjacent to the emergency ward. Besides, an extra medicine counter will also be opened at out patients department (OPD).

The patients who come to Ara Sadar Hospital face a lot of problem in getting medicines from the hospital as they have to wait for hours in a long queue and sometimes an ugly scene is also created when some persons fight. Female patients are the worst sufferers.

The newly posted Civil Surgeon D  Ras Bihari Singh said that a number of welfare schemes would be launched for the benefit of the patients in near future. He said doctors will be available round the clock at the  hospital whether it is OPD or emergency. Even lady doctors, who seldom come particularly during evening time, have to be present at the hospital during duty hour. And if any complain is received, stern action would be taken, he said.

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