Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Buxar: Although the water level of rivers Ganga and Karmnasa remained stable at 61.26 metre in Buxar district on Thursday, they are still flowing above the danger mark. Executive Engineer, Flood Control, Siddheshwar Sah said the rivers will wreak havoc once again if the water lever goes above 62 metre. He said the Buxar-Koelwar embankment is the safest place and thousands of people have taken shelter there. Sah said that some breaches were reported in the embankment but they were were repaired and nothing is to worry about.

Thousands of people in Buxar rural and urban areas have been affected by the flood. The flood water is still flowing three feet over Ara-Buxar main road and communication was completely snapped. Koirpurva, Dhobighat, Satyadeo -ganj, Ram bagh and other places are still waterlogged making lives of people miserable. They have to wade through knee deep to waist deep water to purchase essential commodities for their families. Thirtysix villages of the district are completely marooned. Chausa, Banarpur, Chakki, Mahaji Dera, Simari, Sri Kant ka Dera and others are flooded with the Ganga water. The relief and rescue operations being carried out by the Buxar district administration proved a drop in the ocean for them. The flood affected people are worried for their cattleheads and children. They blamed that the district administration was supplying food materials in very small quantity.

Buxar DM Raman Kumar has declared the Nath Baba Temple area restricted as the temple was completely submerged in the flood water and entry in the area may cause danger. The entire area is barricaded with ropes. But, overenthusiastic people are visiting the area and taking photographs.zone  Though the district administration declared the area restricted, no police personnel has been deputed there.

DM Raman Kumar said that food packets were being distributed in sufficient number and children were being given milk and cattleheads are given fodder. He said the marooned people are being rescued to safety and kept at relief camps.


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