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Ara:  Some unidentified armed miscreants killed one Gupteshwar Singh at village Ithana under Krishnagarha police station in late Monday evening. Police brought the body over to Ara Sadar Hospital for post- mortem. An FIR has been lodged with  Krishnagarha police station in this connection but no arrest has been so far.  SHO Krishnagarha police station said that Gupteshwar Singh, son of Shivshankar Singh of Ithana village, had kidnapped Abhishek Kumar, 20, of the same village and had killed him in 2012. Later, the police arrested and sent him to Ara jail. Gupteshwar Singh was released on bail in January 2016.  When he was returning home late Monday evening,  some unidentified miscreants waylaid him and hit him with sharpedged weapon killing him on the spot.

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