Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Sasaram : One Srikant Singh committed suicide under police custody at Indrapuri Police Outpost in Rohtas District on August 21, 2019. Ppolice brought the body over to Sasaram Sadar Hospital for post-mortem. The suicide under police custody created ripples in the police administration.

Police sources said that Rohtas police had arrested Srikant Singh and his son Gaurav Kumar of Hudaka under Tilauthu police station in Rohtas district on August 20, 2019, evening, in connection with theft of a tractor and put them in cell at the Indrapuri Police Outpost the whole night but Srikant Singh committed suicide around midnight under police custody by tying his shirt around his neck and hanging himself to the ceiling. As the news of his suicide spread, senior police officials hurried to the spot and rushed him to the hospital where the doctor him declared brought dead.

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