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Buxar : Depressed due to family problems, Vakil Rajak, 30, committed suicide by hanging himself from the ceiling fan of his room on April 16, 2017, night, at village New Bhojpur village under Bhojpur police outpost in Buxar district. Later, police brought the body to Buxar Sadar Hospital for post-mortem on April 17.

SHO, Bhojpur police outpost, Kunal Chand Singh said that Vakil Rajak, 30, son of Lal Chand Rajak, had a tiff with his wife at Kolkata on April 14, 2017. After their quarrel, Vakil Rajak returned home at New Bhojpur in Buxar district on April 15, 2017. His wife informed her in-laws about their quarrel. On April 16, 2017, Vakil Rajak went to bed after having dinner in the late evening. When his family members knocked the door of his room on April 17 morning, he did not open the door. At this the family members broke open the door and found his body hanging from the ceiling fan. They informed the police immediately.

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