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Patna : In an apparent move to woo the upper caste voters particularly Maithil Brahmins, the AICC President Rahul Gandhi on September 17, 2018, appointed senior leader and former Minister Madan Mohan Jha as the BPCC Chief.

Madan Mohan Jha is the son of former Minister late Dr Nagendra Jha and hails from Darbhanga district. He was first elected to Bihar legislative assembly in 1985 from Manigachhi constituency in Darbhanga district. At Present, Madan Mohan Jha is leader of Congress Party in Bihar legislative Council.

Dr Akhilesh Prasad Singh, a former Union Minister,  has been appointed Chairman, Campaign Committee. The party has also appointed 4 workings presidents. They are : Dr Ashok Kumar, Sameer Kumar Singh, Kaukab Quadri, and Shyam Sunder Singh Dheeraj.


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