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Madhubani:  University and College teachers of L N Mithila University, Darbhanga, are apparently clueless and making frantic inquiries from each other as to why the government is delaying the release of salary and pension grants for three months from March to May to the university despite the approval of the state cabinet more than a month back.

Non-payment of salary and pension for last about four months now has apparently landed the LNMU teachers in a precarious financial situation. Their concern seems all the more genuine for a section of the media had reported about the release of grants to various universities of the state about a fortnight back.
Though this is not a new phenomenon for university and college teachers of the state who have to wait months for their wages after the end of every financial year, the wait this time has seemingly me endless. Retired teachers, in particular, are hit hardest. LNMUTA President Chandra Mohan Jha has appealed to CM Nitish Kumar  and education minister Ashok Chaudhary to exhibit some sensitivity and ensure that salary and pension grants are released to LN Mithila university at the earliest. Teachers stand harassed for no fault of theirs, he added.

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