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New Delhi : Union Minister of State (I/C) for Youth Affairs & Sports  Vijay Goel on June 13, 2017,  announced that the Department of Sports will install mega LED screens at Major Dhyanchand National Stadium for free public viewing of Champions Trophy matches, both semi-finals and the final.

Goel, in a statement here, said that this is being done to utilize the free space at the stadium and also provide everyone a chance to watch the matches for free on the mega screen, according to a PIB release.
The Minister further stated that the idea is to initiate sports culture among the people and optimum utilization of the stadiums. ” In future we will have mini-fests too that would create a huge buzz for sporting events across India,” he said.

The mega LED screens will be inaugurated by Goel on June 14, 2017. While England will play against Pakistan in the first semi-final on June 14, India will take on Bangladesh in the second semi-final on June 15. The winners of the semi-finals will fight for the ICC Champions Trophy in the final scheduled for June 18.

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