Kumar Rajiv Nayan
Ara : An Intermediate girl student managed to give a slip to her kidnapper after 12 days and reached Hasan Bazaar police outpost in Bhojpur district on June 7, 2017, where she narrated her ordeal.
Police produced her before Ara Civil Court where her statement was recorded under section 164 Cr PC. Police also brought her to Ara Sadar Hospital on June 8, 2017, for medical examination. Though a named FIR was lodged with Hasan Bazaar police outpost against Ritesh Chaudhary, son of Gulab Chand Chaudhary of the village, he is still at large.
The girl, a resident of Amai Kazi Tola under Hasar Bazaar police outpost, said that Ritesh Chaudhary of the village became her friend and had gifted her a mobile phone. Taking her into confidence, Ritesh Chaudhary kidnapped her on May 26, 2017, when a marriage was being solemnized at the house of her aunt (bua) at the village and took her to Nonaur village under Piro police station where he kept her in a room of one of his relatives. He also tied her mouth to ensure she did not raise an alarm.
She said that Ritesh Chaudhary used to outrage her modesty daily. In the meantime, he came to know that her grandfather had lodged a named FIR with against him and got apprehensive. Taking advantage of her fear and carelessness, she escaped.
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