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Patna : Incumbent K P S Keshri was on December 26, 2018, re-elected unopposed as President, Bihar Industries Association (BIA), for the year 2018-19 at the 74th annual General Body meeting of the association held on BIA premises. The General Body elected six office-bearers and 26 Executive Committee members on the occasion.

Ramesh Chandra Gupta and Subodh Kumar Goyal were re-elected Vice-President and Treasurer respectively of the association. Narsingh Prasad Jaiswal was elected as the second Vice-President while Alok Nandan was elected as the third Vice-President of the association. Mahabir Prasad Bidasaria has been elected as the General Secretary, BIA.

The General Body also passed resolutions on Industries, Energy, Banking & Finance, Railways & Bridge, Road & Bridge, Taxation, Environment Act, Labour Laws, Service Sector, and IT& ITES, according to a BIA release.

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