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New Delhi : Union Finance and Corporate Affairs Minister Arun Jaitley on February 5, 2018, stressed on the importance of procedural fairness in public procurement and award of contracts. The Finance Minister said that this can be ensured through transparency and fairness that enable a State to act in the best interest for its citizens in terms of price, quality and service delivery and help avoid elements of nepotism and corruption in public procurement.

The Finance Minister highlighted the special measures taken by the Government of India to bring in greater transparency, fairness and efficiency in public procurement through a series of measures including launch of the Government e-Marketplace (GeM) for online purchases of common use items. The Finance Minister mentioned that in addition to having its own rules and regulations relating to public procurement in the Government, the layers of accountability at various levels in the Government have also been tightened.

Jaitley, after inaugurating the three-day 5th South Asia Region Public Procurement Conference in New Delhi. He noted the evolution of public procurement in the last century and emphasized its significance in delivery of public services in democratic societies in the larger interest of the citizens. Jaitley said that as South Asia is the fastest growing region, the relevance of public procurement is of key importance to all. He congratulated the World Bank, Asian Development Bank(ADB) and other partners for organising such an event, according to a PIB release.

This Conference is being attended by the Senior Government Officials of South Asian countries in addition to the World Bank (WB), Asian Development Bank(ADB), Islamic Development Bank(IDB) and other agencies. The Government of India (GOI), through the Public Procurement Division (PPD) of the Ministry of Finance, and All India Management Association (AIMA), are hosting the Conference.

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