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New Delhi : New Delhi : India has crossed a crucial milestone in its fight against the global pandemic as the daily new cases touched a new low on January 26, 2021. A total of 9,102 daily new cases were added to the national tally in the last 24 hours after 237 days. The daily new cases were 9,304 on June 4, 2020.

With a sustained, pro-active and calibrated strategy of the Centre based on ‘whole of government’ and ‘whole of society’ approach, the daily new cases have seen a consistent decline. This has ensured a steady fall in daily fatalities too. The country has recorded less than 120 (117) fatalities in the last 24 hours after more than 8 months (8 months 9 days).

India’s active caseload dropped to 1,77,266 on January 26, 2021. The share of Active Cases in the total Positive Cases has further compressed to 1.66% of the cumulative caseload. A net decline of 6,916 cases was recorded in the total active cases in last 24 hours. Active cases per million population is lowest in the world (128). Germany, Russia, Brazil, Italy, UK, and USA have much higher cases per million population.

As on January 26, 2021, till 8 am, 20,23,809 beneficiaries had received the vaccination under the countrywide COVID19 vaccination exercise. In the last 24 hours, 4,08,305 people were vaccinated across 7,764 sessions. Altogether 36,378 sessions have been conducted so far, according to a PIB release.

The total recovered cases were 1.03 crore  (1,03,45,985) on January 26, 2021, which translates to a Recovery Rate of 96.90%. The gap between Recovered cases and Active cases continues to grow and at present stands at 1,01,68,719. 15,901 cases have recovered in the last 24 hours.

83.68% of the new recovered cases are observed to be concentrated in 9 States/UTs. Kerala has reported the maximum number of single day recoveries with 5,606 recoveries. Maharashtra follows with 3,080 new recoveries. Karnataka recorded another 1,036 daily recoveries.

81.76% of the new cases are concentrated in 8 States and UTs. Kerala reported the maximum daily new cases numbering 3,361 in the last 24 hours. Maharashtra recorded 1,842 new cases while Tamil Nadu reported 540 new cases on January 25, 2021.

Five States/UTs account for 63.25% of the 117 case fatalities reported in the past 24 hours. Maharashtra reported 30 deaths. Kerala and Chhattisgarh follow with 17 and 13 new deaths respectively.