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New Delhi : India was re-elected to the Council of the International Maritime Organization [IMO] under Category “B” at the 30th session of the Assembly of the IMO held in London on December 1, 2017.

The IMO Council consists of 40 member countries. In Categories “A” and “B” there are 10 members each and in Cateogary “C” 20 members, who are elected by the IMO Assembly. IMO Council plays a crucial role in deciding various important matters within the mandate of the IMO, in relation to the global shipping industry including its work programme strategy and budget, according to a PIB release.

Unlike in the past where India was re-elected to the IMO Council un-opposed, this time, for the 10 seats under Category “B”,  two new entrants, i.e. UAE, a non-member of the IMO Council so far, and Australia, presently a member of the IMO Council under Category “C”, had filed their nomination and this had necessitated holding of the election. India, however, emerged a winner in the keenly contested election.

The 30th Session of the IMO Assembly is being held at IMO Headquarters London from November 27 to December 6, 2017. The Assembly session is being attended by a high level Indian delegation led by Nitin Gadkari, Minister for Shipping, Road Transport & Highways, Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation.

India has a large merchant marine fleet of 1,359 vessels both on foreign going and coastal operations with a combined Gross Tonnage of 12.2 million. Nearly 90% of India’s overseas trade by volume is carried through maritime transport.

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