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New Delhi : The GST Council, at its 31st meeting held on December 22, 2018, in New Delhi, decided to reduce GST rate to 18 % from 28% on Monitors and TVs of up to screen size of 32 inches, Digital cameras and video camera recorders, Video game consoles and other games and sports requisites falling under HS code 9504, pulleys, transmission shafts and cranks, gear boxes etc falling under HS Code 8483, and re-treaded or used pneumatic tyres of rubber. The same would be given effect to through Gazette notifications/ circulars which shall have force of law.

The GST on parts  and accessories for the carriages for disabled persons shall be reduced to 5% from 28 %. The GST on Marble rubble shall be reduced to 5 % from 18 %. The GST on vegetables (uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water), frozen, branded and put in a unit container and vegetable provisionally preserved (for example by sulphur dioxide gas, in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions), but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption shall be nil from the existing 5 %.

GST rate of  5% rate has been prescribed on renewable energy devices & parts for their manufacture (bio gas plant/solar power based devices, solar power generating system (SGPS) etc [falling under chapter 84, 85 or 94 of the Tariff], according to a PIB release.


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