Arun Lata Sharma

Sitamarhi : Three bike borne unidentified criminals shot dead former Mukhia, Gisara Punchayat in Sitamarhi District in North Bihar, Ashok Sah, 55, on early October 6, 2019, morning, when he was on morning walk. Police are cleless about the identity and whereabouts of the criminals.

The criminals accosted Ashok Sah after he crossed a small bridge on the outskirts of village Gisara under Parsauni police station in Sitamarhi district. The former Mukhia was shot twice and he died on the spot. The residents of village Gisara said that Ashok Sah was attacked by goon few years back too but he had a miraculous escape. The people blamed the district administration for poor law and order in the district.

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