Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara : People living in northern part of Bhojpur district have heaved a sigh of relief as the water level of both Ganga and Sone rivers have started receding though still posing threat to the people in the flood affected areas of the district. They are unhappy with the district administration for its alleged indifference to their problems. Meanwhile, two more persons drowned to death in the flood water at Dumaria and Teghara villages on Wednesday.

Though Bhojpur DM Birendra Prasad Yadav along with other senior officials of the district had visited some flood affected areas under Barhara and Shahpur blocks but it proved a routine work as people did not benefit from these visits.

The flood water has receded from the roads resuming communication but it has badly damaged almost all the roads that need immediate repair. The fields and roadside areas are still waterlogged almost chest deep and foul smell has started emitting from it. But,  280 pregnant women arestill  staying at relief camps without any medical aid. Water borne diseases like diarrhoea are spreading and over 1,000 people including women and children are suffering from them but neither the district administration nor the health department is concerned with it even as they claim that everything is being done to check diseases. Despite the order of the District Magistrate, the health department has failed to spray bleaching powder in flood affected areas so far.
Labour Resource Department Minister cum incharge Minister, Bhojpur district, Bijay Prakash visited some flood affected areas under Shahpur and Barahara blocks on Wednesday. He said that flood had wreaked havoc and people were living in horrible condition. He directed the officials concerned to speed up the relief work and follow rules and regulations of disaster management and warned of action in the event of dereliction of duty. The farmers, however, alleged that the district administration had done little for them even as their seedlings and standing crops had been destroyed in the flood.

Though the district administration claimed that elaborate arrangements had been made to meet the flood challenge but ground realities exposed its claims as thousands of people along with their family members and cattle have taken shelter on dam or at the houses of their relatives in the district and also in Utter Pradesh as their villages are still swamped. Though links of some flood hit villages with the district headquarters has been restored, the roads have been damaged and not motorable.
The DM said that each flood affected people will be given at least Rs 6,000 after a survey report expected to be submitted within 15 days. He said that relief camps continue to run and added that the officials had been directed to give cash for cloths and utensils from the Chief Minister Relief Fund to each registered flood affected person.

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