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Bokaro: Bermo police on August 25 arrested five  cyber criminals, who used to cheat people in name of giving prizes for recognizing faces of film actors, and had opened more than four dozen fake accounts giving on the basis of fake driving licenses and address proofs  in several banks of Bokaro, Bermo, Dhanbad in Jharkhand and other places. However, the kingpin of the gang Dilip Kumar Sao is yet to be arrested.

All the five arrested criminals: Rahul Ghansi , Horit Ghosh, Vikas Pathak, Rajesh Boury and Prakash Kumar Nishad, and the kingpin Dilip Kumar Sao  are  residents of Bermo. Addressing a press conference on August 25 evening at Bermo,  DSP, Bermo, R K Mehta said that the arrests were made on the information given by Jammu & Kashmir police  which gave bank account of Rajesh Boury, who had cheated a Srinagar  resident of Rs 10,000, by getting the cash in his  bank account of Kargali (Bermo) branch.

On the basis of bank account number and address proof , Bermo police  arrested Rajesh from his house on Thursday morning. Hedisclosed the names of his other associates who were also arrested the same day. Dilip Sao was in New Delhi. Bermo police is in touch with Delhi police to arrest Dilip.

The gang members used to download photos of different persons including their pan cards and  driving licenses and on the basis of forged documents used to open bank accounts and then used to lure innocent people in the name of giving  prize money if they recognized  faces of film actors, according to the DSP.

“The gang members even used to cheat money from persons in the name of giving contract for  installation of mobile phone towers for which they asked for advance  to be deposited in their bank accounts  after which they closed the account,” stated the DSP adding that  several fake documents, ID proofs,  residence proofs and  fake seals have been seized from possessin of the arrested criminals,said the DSP. All the arrested criminals were sent to Tenughat  jail.


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