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New Delhi : CSIR-CMERI organised its first-ever Farmer’s Meet on February 25, 2021. The event was graced by Chief Guest Dr Shekhar C Mande, Director-General, CSIR, and Secretary, DSIR, Government of India, and Prof. Harish Hirani, Director, CSIR-CMERI.

The first-ever CSIR-CMERI Farmer’s Meet witnessed the inauguration of the Farm Machinery Training & Testing Centre, Compact Tractor, and the CSIR-CMERI Football Complex by Dr Shekhar C Mande in the presence of Prof. Harish Hirani. Demonstration of e-Tractor, Farm Power & Farm Machineries, Waste Water treatment for Agricultural Usage, Smart Lighting and Smart Parking, World’s Largest Solar Tree, and Bio-Char production from waste Bio-Mass were also done before the participating Farmers.

Dr Mandesaid that all the efforts of CSIR Laboratories are intended for the society. The CSIR-CMERI technologies can expedite the pace of Farm Mechanisation in multiple ways to help create an India for Atma Nirbhar Krishi and realise the dream of Prime Minister to double the income of the Farmers. The CSIR-CMERI developed Solar Powered Electric Tractor is a complete Technology Ecosystem, which can provide renewable energy solutions in the domain Agro-Mechanisation. He urged all the 23 Krishi Vigyan Kendras in West Bengal to partner CSIR-CMERI in promoting its Farm Mechanisation Technologies for ensuring its outreach to the targeted farming groups, according to a PIB release.

Prof. Harish Hirani, Director, CSIR-CMERI, while addressing the Farmers expressed his gratitude to the Farmers for attending the first-ever Farmer’s Meet. CSIR-CMERI through its technology innovations has helped convert arid and barren tracts of lands fit for Agriculture, he said. The same is also being promoted in an Organic manner. The weeds that grow along in the farms are also being innovatively converted into Carbon for fertilising the soil.

CSIR-CMERI has given Swaraj, Sonalika, Krishi-Shakti and now it is slowly transitioning towards a new domain in the form of e-Tractors, Compact Tractors, and e-Power Tillers. CSIR-CMERI envisions a Diesel Free India through Electric Farm Mechanisation using Renewable Sources of Energy, said Prof Hirani.

Dr Sanjay Kumar, Director, CSIR-IHBT, Palampur, said that Farmer’s Conclave such as this provides a chance to the Scientists to comprehend the challenges facing the Farmers,and thereafter deliver Sustainable and Effective Technology Solutions for mitigating these challenges.