Speed Post News Network

Bagaha : Equipment including Computer System, CCTV cameras as well as furniture worth Rs 8 lakh were gutted in a fire which broke out at the Ramnagar branch of Central Bank of India under Ramnagar police station in Bagaha police district at 5.30 am on August 25, 2018. The fire was caused by short- circuit. However, bank records and currency were reported safe. The bank manager B K Kaul could not be contacted despite repeated efforts.

Bagaha SP Arbind Kumar Gupta said that as soon as a call was received from a resident of Ramnagar early morning about the incident, he immediately sent fire tenders and police officials there and fire was extinguished within 30 minutes.

Sources said that a local of Ramnagar Shushil Chhapawalia noticed smoke billowing out from the windows of the building where the bank is located. He immediately informed Bagaha SP AK Gupta and the Sugar factory, Ramnagar. The fire tenders reached there immediately and the fire was doused. The bank employees reached the place only after the devastating fire was completely extinguished.

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