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Araria: Residents of eight out of nine blocks of Araria district are reeling under flood which has damaged over 40,000 thatched houses besides displacing more than 50,000 people. Rivers inluding Bakra, Parman, Kankai, Nuna and Kosi are wrecking havoc in these areas. According to administrative source more than 100 boats have been pressed into service in different blocks of the district. Reports of erosion and sinking of dwellings  by the rivers in spate are reaching the district headquarters from Jokihat and Sikty blocks.

The constant flow of rain water from upstream  terrain of Nepal coupled with incessant rain have increased the miseries of the people in 357 villages of 120 Gram Panchayats of the district.  The condition in about 262 villages is  worst. The rain water has inundated almost all the streets of Araria and Forbesganj municipal areas. Altogether nine  persons have reportedly died due to flood in different blocks of the district. The district administration has started relief works and 122 relief camps have been set up in  flood affected  areas of the district.

Araria DM Himanshu Sharma said that the situation is being monitored round the clock. The leave of all kind has been cancelled and all the employees and officers have been ordered to remain present at their respective places of postings till further order. He, however, agreed that the situation in the district is grim.  More than 1,000 quintals of dry ration and other relief materials have have been distributed among the people in the affected areas, the DM said.

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