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Chandrapura (Jharkhand) : The Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC), CTPS, Chandrapura in Bokaro District, Jharkhand, celebrated the 72nd Republic Day with great enthusiam, patriotic fervour, and gaiety on January 26, 2021. Chief Engineer, and Head of the Project, Chandrapura, Subodh Kumar Gupta, unfurled the Tricolour and gave Salute to the National Flag at Football Ground. Gupta also inspected the Parade. CISF Jawans and NCC Cadets also gave Salute to the National Flag.

Gupta, in his address on the occasion, highlighted the tremendous performance of the DVC in the field of power generation and said that it had topped in power generation in the country recently. He thanked the DVC, Chandrapura, personnel and officials for it.

Deputy Chief Engineer Ravindra Kumar, Subhash Singh, Madhukant Jha, Satyendra Kumar Sharma, P P Shah, Deputy General Manager Abhay Srivastava, Rakesh Ranjan, T T Das, Senior Additional Director Subodh Mishra, Sushil Mishra, P K Jha, Deputy Commandant, CISF, Anand Mohan were prominent among those present on the occasion.