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Bokaro (Jharkhand) : DPS Bokaro students hogged the limelight  at the Bokaro Open District Athletics Meet 2019 organised by Bokaro Thermal Athletics Association in the second week of August2019 at Bokaro Thermal School. Altogether 17 teams of the district participated at the event. DPS Bokaro team bagged the maximum number of medals. With 18 participants, DPS Bokaro won 21 medals in various categories including 4 Gold, 8 Silver, and 9 Bronze medals.

In the individual events, Divyanshu Kumar and Sidhishree (U-12, 60mts), Aayushi (U-16, Shotput), and Saideep (U-18, Javelin) bagged Gold medals.

Sanchit Kumar (U-18, Shotput), Hiten Aryan (U-16, Shotput), Akash Kumar (U-18, 3,000 mts & 5,000 mts), Bhawesh Ranjan (U-16,Long Jump) Aniket Aditya (U-18, 800 mts), Sakshi (U-16, 100 mts & Long Jump) bagged Silver medals.

The team comprising Akash, Saideep, Aniket, and Ayush won Bronze medal (U-18, 4×100 mtr Relay)  whereas Anubhav (U- 16, 100 mts), Bhawesh, Anubhav, Rajbeer, and Ansh Aditya got Bronze in U- 16, 4×100 mtr Relay.

Principal, DPS Bokaro, A S Gangwar expressed his happiness over the outstanding performance of the students and hoped that the grit and determination of the students will bring more laurels to the school.

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