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New Delhi : Department of Telecommunications (DoT),  in coordination with Telecom Service Providers, has been endeavouring to identify the problem areas of dark spots or the areas without sufficient Telecom Tower coverage which result in Network issues and call drops.  Various measures such as erection of additional mobile towers, placement of cell on wheels, drive tests etc. have been undertaken to address the mobile tower deficiency and coverage. This followed numerous complaints received regarding quality of service of Telecommunications Network, call drops, echo, cross connections, incomplete or poor caller experience

To identify  in a more scientific and innovative manner, the specific problem areas and routes where call drops occur, Department of Telecommunications has in housedeveloped a software tool to analyse big data and accurately ascertain call drops in any area. For this purpose, data on calls made from mobiles in any tower coverage area is analysed to ascertain calls terminated within 30 seconds of the call and made again as normally is the case for a typical call drop.

The mobile calls so disconnected within this 30 seconds time period forces the subscriber to again call the same number. Big data analytics techniques can be used to identify such calls and the accurate information of call drops in specific areas. DoT will be better equipped to take up such cases and areas with the Telecom Service Providers based on actual data. For this purpose, total data of calls made during any particular time period from the identified cell phone tower locations from where the complaints are received is collected to enable analysis. However, this data is anonymous and does not contain names of either the maker or receiver of calls. There is no infringement of privacy of any person. No personal details are collected. There is no tracking of any phone number, according to a PIB release.

Call drops details, for only those calls made by a subscriber who enters a given coverage area of the identified cell Tower or calls drop / details of calls received or made by such subscriber are collected. It is reiterated that neither the names nor the address of the subscribers or the persons to whom the calls are made or received are being collected. There is also no question whatsoever of ascertaining the content of the call. Only if any call is terminated within 30 seconds and the same number is again dialled immediately, such calls are added to arrive at the final figure of call drops.

It is an innovative way of identifying call drops and addressing the call drop issues. There is no violation of privacy of any subscriber. The identity of subscriber is not known. Only the calls made by subscribers who happen to pass through a particular cell tower area get covered for the purpose of analysis without knowing the names of who is the caller and to whom the call is made.

The department has clarified that DoT is empowered under Rule 419 of the Indian Telegraph Rules 1951 to access such anonymous data for improving network quality. Moreover, DoT has also put in place an in house standard operating procedure so that any authorisation of such access to call drop data can be approved only by very senior officers. Further, it has been decided to seek such data only for short time period i.e. three to six hours normally covering the peak load of traffic on the Network for any cell tower.

Attention of Department of Telecommunications (DoT) had been drawn to certain media reports stating that call data records for certain days and certain routes in February 2020 have been sought by DoT from Telecom Service Providers in deviation of standard operating procedures laid by the Government. Doubts had been expressed about the intent of DoT.

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