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Buxar : Buxar Municipal Council on January 27 approved a proposal for construction of a park in Buxar town at its meeting. Urban Development and House Department, Bihar government, has allotted Rs 50 lakh for the construction of park in Buxar town.

Buxar Municipal Council also is making endeavour to keep the town clean at any cost and has assigned the task of door to door collection of garbage to an NGO, which has been working, as per agreement, free of cost for the last three months. But every house has pay Rs 1 per day for this facility from February 1, 2017.

Shakuntala Devi, chairperson, Buxar Municipal Council said that a fine of Rs 100 will be slapped on those caught throwing filth and garbage on the road after a fixed time. The Buxar Municipal Council has fixed time from 10 pm to 8 am for dumping garbage on the road. She said that work on construction of parks in Buxar town will start soon.

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