Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara : Bhojpur police arrested a Chowkidaar Vinay Pandey and sent him to jail January 5, 2021, for allegedly realising illegal money from tractor drivers. A named FIR was lodged with by Barhara police station in Bhojpur District in this connection..

Bhojpur SP Har Kishore Rai said that a video had gone viral on the internet showing a Chowkidar realising money from the tractor drivers in an area under Barhara police station on Ara-Chhapra main road. When the matter came to his knowledge, he ordered an inquiry into the matter. After inquiry, Vinay Pandey, Chowkidar, was identified realising money from the drivers of the tractors in the  video. The SP said that he took  serious note of it and ordered for arrest of the Chowkidar.

It may be mentioned that five police personnel and a Sub-Inspector were arrested earlier under Koelwar police station and Hasan Bazaar police outpost for realising illegal money from the tractor drivers and were sent to jail .