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New Delhi : The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), India, in run up to its Foundation Day celebrations on October 12, 2019, organised a painting competition on various themes for children in three age group categories on its premises in New Delhi on September 28, 2019. Altogether 108 children participated at the competition.

The aim was to encourage children to express their idea of the world, creatively with a rights perspective. The themes were on contemporary issues concerning humanity, which included among others, ‘Save Earth’, ‘Clean India/Healthy India’, ‘Women Empowerment’, ‘Single Use Plastic Ban’.

Jyotika Kalra, Member, NHRC, Prabhat Kumar, Director General (Investigation), and other senior officers and staff of the Commission were present. Kalra interacted with all the three groups of the children and motivated them to express themselves freely through their paintings.

The three winners in the first category (up to 8 yrs) were : Samridhi Rai, Vedant, and Vaishnavi Gusain. In the Second category (9-13 yrs), the three winners were: Tavishi Talwar, Krishna Rawat, and Rashi Bathmi. In the senior age group(14-17 yrs), the three winners were: Yashvi Kumar, Ashish Kumar, and Mathangi Saji, according to an NHRC release.

The themes for the first Category were: My Home, My Garden, Any other topic of your choice. For the II Category, the themes were: My School, My Family, Jungle Scene. The themes for the III Category were: Save Earth, Clean India/Healthy India, Women Empowerment, Single Use Plastic Ban.

The winners will be given cash awards and certificates on the Foundation Day of the Commission. Besides this, the prize winning paintings will be exhibited and also used in the cover designs of NHRC publications.

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