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New Delhi : The 49th Meeting of the Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (CSMC) under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban), held here on November 27, 2019, approved 606 proposals from participating States for the construction of 3,31,075 houses with an overall investment of Rs 15,125 crore involving central assistance of Rs 5,092 crore.

This includes six Light Houses Projects (LHPs) for construction of 6368 houses to be built across 6 States namely Gujarat (1,144), Jharkhand (1,008), Madhya Pradesh (1,024),  Tamil Nadu (1,152), Tripura (1,000 ), and Uttar Pradesh (1040).

The number of houses approved by the CSMC are in Andhra Pradesh (2,58,648), Karnataka (30,777), Madhya Pradesh (15,245), Gujarat (13,805), Maharashtra (4,691) & Uttarakhnad (1,541).  Andhra Pradesh has proposed the largest number of new houses and is now the leading State with the highest ever cumulative sanctions for 16,34,748 houses followed by Uttar Pradesh with 14,53,989 houses under the PMAY(U) Mission, according to a PIB release.

The proposal received are under Beneficiary Led Construction or Enhancement (BLC) and Affordable Housing Project (AHP) verticals of the scheme. The houses proposed under Light Houses Projects (LHPs) will be constructed by using new and innovative technologies and will serve as live laboratories for research, testing, technology transfer, increasing mass awareness and for mainstreaming them in the country.

As on date, PMAY(U) Mission has  sanctioned more than 96.50 Lakh houses under PMAY(U) against the validated demand of 1.12 crore houses. A total of 56 lakh houses are grounded for construction of which 28.4 lakh have been completed.


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