Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Buxar : A Buxar court on July 18, 2017, ordered for lodging an FIR against Child Development Programme Officer (CDPO), Chausa, in Buxar district, Kumari Kavita, for allegedly demanding commission from a cloth merchant. The court also ordered an inquiry into the charges against CDPO Kumari Kavita.

Dharmraj Paswan of village Akodha in Rohts district sells cloths at Chausa.  One day, he met the driver of the CDPO, Chausa, Kumari Kavita who took him to the CDPO. The CDPO said that she needed cloths for the uniform of Aganbadi students and if he wished to supply cloths, he had to give her Rs 2 lakh as commission. She allegedly also told Dharmraj that he would have to give Rs 50,000 in advance. Dharmraj agreed to the proposal and a deal was struck between the CDPO and him.

The CDPO said he will be informed when the fund was allotted and she exchanged her mobile number with Dharmraj. Both of them were in touch on mobiles. On July 6, 2017, the CDPO informed him that the fund had been allotted and the contract for the supply of cloths will be given to another person if he did not come to her with Rs 50,000 immediately. Dharmraj somehow managed Rs 50,000 and handed the same over to the CDPO. After taking money from him, the CDPO asked him to contact the Head Clerk of her office on July 10, 2017.

Dharmraj alleged that when he met the Head Clerk, he expressed his ignorance about the deal. When he demanded his money back, the driver of the CDPO thrashed and abused him and also dragged him out of the office after which he filed a complaint case in the court of the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Buxar, Shashikant Chaudhary, against the CDPO. He had also recorded his conversation with the CDPO regarding commission. Hearing the matter, the CJM ordered lodging of FIR against the CDPO.

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